The Kuril Islands, Kunashir and Iturup are considered to be the birthplace of this breed. From there, in the middle of the XX century the military and geologists, who were returning from distant missions, brought this short-tailed cat back with them. In the cat’s homeland the Kurilian is an animal that lives in the wild.
People who lived on Kuril Islands have interacted and worked with these cats for more than 200 years. They are incredible hunters who can easily control rodent population. Bobtail kittens are known for hunting in large groups. Though they can hunt alone as well, even fishing out salmon out of cold water.
How big are Kurilian bobtails?
Kurilian bobtail cats have short tails that resemble a ball or a large round drop, the length of which is 8-5 cm. Kurilian bobtail kittens are born with such short tails, which remain uncropped as some people might think otherwise. Do you know that there are no bobtails from the Kuril Islands that have the same tails?
Kurilian bobtail cats are not large, but their body is strong and muscular. Their ears are neither small nor large, and are wide-set, and their amazing eyes are set at a slight angle. Their eyes are mostly yellow-green, and in general, their eyes perfectly harmonise with their fur. The legs of these bobtail cats are strong, and the back legs are higher than their front ones. The most basic color version of Kurilian bobtails is a beautiful tiger pattern. The ears, teeth and eyes of Kurilian bobtails need constant care, however, quite a bit more than in other breeds.

Kurilian bobtail cats are smart felines with cheerful character, that is well disposed to every member of the family, but chooses only one person as his owner. Therefore, the Kurilts are ideal pets for single people. Kurilian bobtails are comfortable with children, do not hurt them, and are patient and tolerant. These cats are lone gunmen, but can get along with other animals, however, at the same time the Kurilians build a clear hierarchy and they like to rule.
Kurilian bobtail cats do not tolerate being alone, and often ask the owner for their portion of caress. However, if the Kurilian feels that the owner is busy, the cat will step away with dignity, and will wait for another moment.
An owner can always agree with the Kurilian, in the truest sense of the word. Kurilian bobtail cats are great at training, quickly remember commands such as “Fetch” and a certain amount of words that they can react to with a special meow. So, one day, an owner may well find themselves having a heart-to-heart talk with their pet.
Kurilian bobtails are very smart cats. Pet owners don’t need to explain the same thing ten times, as cats understand their owner without words. An owner can show them something only once and the cat knows what is allowed, and what is forbidden, where to go to the toilet, where to sharpen their claws, so that there will be no more problems with this. Having moved to a new place, kittens of the Kurilian bobtail domesticate very quickly , and they understand perfectly well what is allowed and what is not in a new house.
More than that having a pet such as Kurilian bobtail cat has many advantages, e.g. cats do not have a specific feline smell, do not shed and do not mark the territory.

Love of water is yet another characteristic feature of the Kurilian bobtail cat. Water never leaves the cat unmoved, and the Kurilian will carefully investigate any reservoir, stream, puddle, water tank that will be on their way. If something attracts the cat’s attention, the Kurilian will forget that he is a cat, and jump into water immediately.
The diet of Kurilian bobtail cats must be balanced and close to natural. A pet owner should give them food that is similar to what the cat has in their natural environment, such as sea fish (not more than 2 times per week, cooked a little), meat (lean lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and vegetables (except potatoes).
Kurilian bobtail cats can be given food of Premium class, but breeders do not recommend giving products of economy class.
A pet owner should never give human’s food to bobtail cats that is toxic to animals. (Read more: Why are human foods bad for cats?)
Special thanks: photos Kurilian bobtail breeder Zolotaya Seredina