Since we are a few days into the new year (and a new decade), we decided to prepare a few simple New Year’s resolutions inspired by our four-legged roommates.
1. Drink more water
Drinking water is extremely important. Don’t forget to stay hydrated throughout the day. Take a few sips here and there, carry a small bottle you can refill at any given moment, and remember – the most commonly recommended amount is 2 litres (8-ounce glasses). Whenever you see your cat taking a few sips, follow their example and do the same.
2. Look at things from a different angle
If you are stuck, take a step back and analyse your situation from a different perspective. Maybe you will figure out a new, better solution. Just like our cats, lie on your back and look down at the floor.

Always Look at Problems With Multiple Perspectives
3. Take time to enjoy things you love
Don’t forget to do the things you love as well –it doesn’t matter if it’s cooking, reading, watching YouTube, painting a new masterpiece, or dusting off your figurines… Don’t drown yourself in work, make sure to make time for the activities that bring you joy. Cats are masters at planning their very busy day, so that they can enjoy their favourite activities as well.
4. Try something new
There are lot of different courses available online. Maybe try cooking a new meal? Or improve your negotiation and public speaking skills? What about knitting? Don’t limit yourself to what you already know, expand your horizons. Cats, and especially kittens, learn new skills all the time, so why shouldn’t you as well?
5. Relax
Cats sleep up to 16 hours. Maybe you shouldn’t sleep 16 hours as well, but make sure you get enough sleep to properly function during your work/school day.
6. Get a check up
Keeping up with annual exams is not only important for your pet, but for you as well. If you are experiencing some pain, don’t put off a visit to a medical specialist. Make sure nothing bad is happening and live healthily.
7. Get rid of toxic people in your life
Whenever your cat doesn’t like someone or something, they ignore them and move on with their life to better, more important things that actually do matter to them. If you think a specific person or an activity is causing you more harm than good, step aside for a moment and think if you should continue involving yourself.
8. Take care of yourself
Just like your cat, put yourself first. Don’t put anyone else’s needs above your own, you are in charge of your own life, not other people.
Photo: Zolotaya Seredina Breeder Kurilian Bobtail
More about Kurilian Bobtail – this article
New Year’s Resolutions of Cat Versus Human
How To Live Like Your Cat