Behavior & TrainingCareOverview of Dog Perimeter CollarsWhile this blog is all about cats, we understand that many of our readers also have dogs; let’s dive into dog perimeter collars that…TweetPinShare0 Shares
ReviewsHow toBehavior & TrainingBest Cat Harnesses for Comfort and SecurityIf you’ve ever wanted a playful, adventure-seeking companion for life, but instead ended up with a sleepy, fluffy ball tIf you’ve ever wanted a…TweetPin65Share65 Shares
How toBehavior & TrainingCareHow Long Can Cats Be Left Alone?Cats are social animals, and they quickly become attached to the owner, miss him or her, and feel sad when not being cared for. When…TweetPin402Share402 Shares
How toBehavior & TrainingCareHow to Introduce Two Cats to Each Other?Ah, the joys of being a multi-cat household! If you’re already owned by one feline overlord, adding another furry friend to the mix might…TweetPin210Share210 Shares
Behavior & TrainingWhy Is My Cat So Lazy?Cats can beautifully enrich anyone’s life with hungry meows at 3 am and scream of distress when stuck in a most peculiar places. However,…TweetPin25Share25 Shares
How toBehavior & TrainingWarning Signs When Introducing CatsCats are very social pets who like hanging out with other cats or dogs. People decide to get another furry friend for their cat…TweetPin31Share31 Shares
ReviewsBehavior & TrainingColorful Springs Cat ToyCat toy producers seem to have a lot of fun while creating their newest products. Ethical Pet came up with a spring toy that…TweetPin23Share23 Shares
Health IssuesReviewsHealthBehavior & TrainingFeliway – Everything You Need For a Happy KittyEvery pet owner wants to ensure their pet lives a stress-free life. If you have a cat who hides in the darkest corner under…TweetPin49Share49 Shares
FactsLivestyleBehavior & TrainingWhy Do Cats Like Boxes?Everyone knows cats love boxes. Doesn’t matter if it’s smaller than their fur-covered body, they will sit, lie, magically turn into a fluid, and…TweetPin168Share168 Shares
How toBehavior & TrainingHow To Train A Cat?Contrary to belief, cats can be trained. Sure, you need a lot of patience and snacks, but with time cats can learn to walk…TweetPin984Share984 Shares