Health IssuesHow toChristmas Is Coming—Safety TipsCats feel most comfortable in familiar surroundings and enjoy set routines. However, major disruptions like a new family member, adjustments to the owner’s work…TweetPin93Share93 Shares
How toAn In-Depth Dive Into the World of Tofu Cat LitterTofu cat litter is a relatively new and innovative type of cat litter that has gained popularity among environmentally conscious cat owners. It is…TweetPin5Share5 Shares
Food & FeedingRecommendations for Proper Cat NutritionEvery cat owner cares about his cat or kitten and tries to provide the best possible nutrition for his favorite furry friend. It primarily…TweetPinShare0 Shares
Health IssuesLivestyleHow todoTERRA Essential Oils For CatsWe have been inspired to write an article on essential oils for cats by Lisa Powers, who is the organiser of a course in…TweetPin760Share760 Shares
How toAdopting A CatFor many people, becoming a cat-parent is a life-changing decision that should be considered wisely, as your feline friend will require a time and…TweetPin36Share36 Shares
ReviewsHow toHow to Keep My Dog Out of the Litter Box with Door BuddyIt’s a problem as old as time – keeping dogs out of litter box seems to be an issue that all furparents face. There’s…TweetPin153Share153 Shares
Food & FeedingHealthCan Cats Have Oat Milk?The topics of today’s conversation are: whether or not cats can have oat milk, the relationship between cats and milk, and whether it is…TweetPin17Share17 Shares
How toHow To Take Care Of Your Cat While You’re On VacationMany pet owners feel guilty about leaving their cats behind when they go on vacation, but with a little preparation, you can relax and…TweetPin35Share35 Shares
How toHow To Travel Long Distances with Multiple CatsWe know that all cat parents consider their kitties to be part of their families. If you are planning to travel long distances because…TweetPin21Share21 Shares
Health IssuesFood & FeedingCat Food for Sensitive StomachA few weeks back, we visited our furry friends from a friendly shelter. Asking about their needs we were told that this time the…TweetPin39Share39 Shares