Start the new year not with a bang, but with a cat scratch! We prepared a lot of cute, weird, and unusual cat calendars to decorate your wall with. Your friends, family, and neighbours will be jealous.
Who doesn’t love Grumpy Cat? The amazing cat that took over the Internet with his adorable and unique expression.

Grumpy Cat 2020 Wall Calendar by Grumpy Cat on Amazon

2020 Grumpy Cat Year-In-A-Box Calendar
If you’ve ever been to Instagram, you know that cats rule this platform. From funny videos to adorable photos to heart-warming stories. You don’t have to open your phone anymore and browse your feed, because you have an amazing cat calendar right in front of you!

Cats on Instagram 2020 Wall Calendar
If 12 months is not enough of cuteness and you would like to see new cats every day, this 365 page-a-day calendar is perfect for you! A new, cute, fluffy face every day!

365 Cats Page-A-Day Calendar 2020 by Workman Publishing

365 Kittens-A-Year Picture-A-Day Wall Calendar 2020 by Workman Publishing
Gary Petterson presents cute and funny illustrations for cat lovers. Smile while looking at yet another month of cats being cats.

2020 Gary Patterson Cats Wall Calendar by Mead
Lovers and owners of Tuxedo cats will absolutely love this calendar. These cats are not wearing suits, but they are definitely cute!

2020 Tuxedo Cats Wall Calendars by Bright Day Calendars 16 Month Wall Calendar
The artist in you can awaken with this unique calendar. Endre Penovác brings you into his world of watercolour and ink technique (and cats).

The Artful Cat 2020 Wall Calendar: Brush & Ink Watercolor Paintings by Endre Penovac
Maybe your cat doesn’t want to do yoga with you. Maybe they’d rather lie near a fireplace and dream about cat-stuff. You don’t have to encourage and wait for your fluffy friend anymore! This wall calendar will show you what the world of a cat who does yoga looks like.

Yoga Cats 2020 12 x 12 Inch Monthly Square Wall Calendar by BrownTrout Publishers Inc.
This one is for passionate (and patient) lovers of Maine Coon cats. The beauty of one of the most popular breeds can now proudly shine on your wall.

Just Maine Coon Cats 2020 Wall Calendar by Willow Creek Press

Maine Coon Cats 2020 Monthly Square Wall Calendar by BrownTrout Publishers Inc.
Space, food and cats. A weird combination for sure, but it does work! This unique cat calendar will bring a little bit of colour and fun into any room. For people who would like to explore the stars, who eat at 1AM, and for those who don’t mind sacrificing their knees to cats!

2020 Space Cats Wall Calendar by TF Publishing
Black cats can suddenly appear out of the darkness and scare you with their cuteness. Let this cat calendar suddenly appear at your doorstep!

Just Black Cats 2020 Wall Calendar by Willow Creek Press
If you loved Garfield as a kid, you will definitely love this calendar featuring the beauty of ginger cats. Maybe they aren’t eating lasagne, but they are definitely playful and graceful.

Ginger Cats Calendar by BrownTrout Publishers Inc.
This cat calendar is very unique and has an amazing cause behind it. Buying this calendar will help animal charities in Australia, and you will have an amazing accessory with an incredible story on your wall!

Australian Firefighters And Cats For 2019 Charity Calendar
Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on the links, Meowpassion will get a small commission. We are dedicated to finding the coolest products for cats, cat lovers and owners and we never recommend products that do not love or do not trust.