Having a cat brings happiness and joy to all cat parents. It is no wonder that many cat parents’ homes become multi-cat households. However, being a cat-parent is not only a pleasure, but it’s also a responsibility. It’s not a secret that each cat behaves in their own and unique manner, and even experienced owners in multi-cat households might sometimes have problems with various cat-related issues. We have reviewed FREE Kindle books on Amazon that can help cat owners solve different problems and hope you will like the list.
Understanding Cat Language by Aude Yvanès

The author explains cat behaviour in aspects such as everyday life, vocalisation, training, training, territory, and others. This guide helps you understand 50 poses of your cat and establish clear and healthy relationships. What I like the most about this eBook is the detailed explanation of every pose with a nice black and white sketch. Here are a few examples from the book:

Some cat parents might not even know that a single sign might have its meaning. Do you know how to interpret your cat yawning, balancing, or climbing up your beautiful curtains? Does repeated meowing mean: “Please, help me?” or what does your cat want to say when you find a dead mouse by your door? A must -read book, particularly for first-time cat owners.
Understanding Cat Language by Aude Yvanès
Cool Cat Projects by Isabel Thomas

Although you can find lots of DIY projects on YouTube and on the Internet, this book contains a few interesting projects that are worth doing such as a cardboard cat castle, cat toys, a shabby chic rig, or tasty tuna treats. In this book you will find detailed instructions with illustrations and templates, and facts about cats.
Cool Cat Projects by Isabel Thomas
Diffusing Essential Oils by Patti Roberts

Some time ago, I took part in online training about essential oils for pets run by Lisa Powers (here is the review). Lisa prepared amazing materials showing the power of essential oils and their efficiency. On the condition that pet owners know how to use high quality essential oils for their pets, they can prevent or solve health-related problems in a safe manner.
Patti Roberts, whose book is reviewed and recommended by certified clinical aromatherapist Orniston-Smith, shares her knowledge about essential oils and herbs in a well-structured way. This is a guide for beginers that includes information about essential oils even for hypo kids, babies and children, being happy or having a broken heart. In this book you will find recommendations and blend recipes for your mind, body, soul, and your fluffy friend.
Diffusing Essential Oils by Patti Roberts
The Cat Rescue Diaries by Kurt Smith

56 amazing and true stories about feral cats who found their real homes. This book is also about people who took these abandoned cats to their homes, who sacrificed and sometimes even broke rules to save cats from a harsh life. This is a must-read book, particularly for those who dream about having a cat and do not even realise that some are waiting to be rescued.
The Cat Rescue Diaries by Kurt Smith
Healing Your Heart From Pet Loss Grief: Five Steps to Begin Your Journey by Wendy Van de Poll

The book is for those who had a profound relationship with their companions and lost them.
In this book Wendy, the Certified End of Life and Pet Loss Grief Coach answers the most frequently asked question : “How to heal the heart?” The journey consists of 5 steps and will help you heal the vacancy in your heart and express what you are feeling. Your journey will start from understanding your emotions and stages of grief, you will be aware of the myths related to grieving and know more about the three stages of mourning, and finally you will be open to celebrating the forever love for your furry friend. This guide will help you feel safe while walking this challenging journey.
Healing Your Heart From Pet Loss Grief: Five Steps to Begin Your Journey by Wendy Van de Poll