Statistics show that 64% of Americans drink at least one cup coffee each and every day. If you belong to the majority, or if you know someone who belongs to a large group of coffee lovers (bonus if one of you likes or owns a cat), you stumbled upon an article with a wide selection of beautiful designs to choose from. We don’t need words, we can use mugs to exemplify our daily lives with our unusual roommates.

If you want to start your Monday in the right mood, and have your co-workers or a roommate compliment you on how well you matched your pyjamas pants to your elegant blouse, then this cat mug is perfect for you. Your cat’s hair will definitely find their way into a fresh, morning cup of coffee.
A Mug To Keep Designs on Amazon

A simple, yet adorable design on a ceramic, microwave and dishwasher safe, coffee cup. You will get lost in those big, beautiful and shiny eyes, forget about the outside world and think about the next movie on your ‘to watch next’ list… until your coffee machine brings you back to reality, and you can enjoy a nice, warm cup of cuteness.

Who doesn’t love Pusheen!? This always happy and adorable design will brighten up your day, no matter what day of the week or time it is. It holds a lot of liquid, the handle is comfortable, and it’s easy to clean. What more do you need to add it to your already growing Pusheen collection?
Pusheen Sculpted Mug by Enesco on Amazon

If you’ve ever dreamt about transforming your little devil into a ceramic cat cup, now you can! Because they are handmade, every mug will be unique and have its own, distinct features. In her creations Daria uses three different types of clay: white, black or terracotta.
Custom Ceramic Cat Cup By SavaKeramika

If you are a proud parent of a small, but a demanding roommate, then this mug is perfect for you. It doesn’t matter if your cat prefers to spice up your drink with their left or right paw – the design is printed on both sides, so they don’t have to worry about mistaking your drink for anyone else’s.
Cat Dad Mug by UltimateGiftsShop on Etsy

A eat gift not only for a young cat lover, but also for the older and oldest of cat owners and lovers! The design features cats doing all kinds of things we are used to. Perfect for colder evenings and the toughest of mornings – it will brighten your day guaranteed!
Cat Mug by BrainGrapesDesigns on Etsy

Sobi created two different cat mugs, with two different moods behind it. One is for the days when you feel like you could hug everyone around you, the other one is for the days when you wish people left you to your own devices. As a French creator, her designs are cute and simple.
Tea & Coffee Cup Love cat By Sobigraphie
Tea & Coffee Cup Fuck cat By Sobigraphie

If you love your cat 24/7, even when they are being a little brat, you can’t stay mad at them, no matter how hard you try. And if you can forgive any misdeeds, then your tired eyes with black circles under them will brighten when they will fall upon this simple design that says it all.
24/7 Cat Lover Mug

Cats before humans. Always. No matter who this human is, if you know you would put your cat before anyone else (even if it’s your favourite plant or book you got as a kid from a very special person), then this mug will openly showcase your thoughts for everyone (even a random stranger) to see.

There are only three things you will ever need in your life: coffee (or tea if the taste of coffee is not for you), plants (perfect for decorating empty shelves and tables, and filling up the empty space) and cats (little fluff balls who always have a trick up their paws).
Plants. Coffee. Cats Mug

If you are less of a critical thinker, and more of an open, full of sunshine and rainbows person, then this ‘anything is pawssible’ mug will look great on your shelf. Or in your hands with a warm (or cold, we don’t judge) liquid in it.
Anything Is Pawssible Cup
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